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Investor Perspectives on the Toronto Condo Market

Friday May 17th, 2024

Investor Perspectives on the Toronto Condo Market

Investor Perspectives on the Toronto Condo Market The Toronto condominium market has long been a focal point for real estate investors, drawing interest from local, national, and international buyers. As one of Canada's most dynamic and resilient markets, Toronto offers a unique blend of opportunities and challenges that shape investor behavior and strategy. Understanding the investor perspective on the Toronto condo market requires a deep dive into the factors driving investment... [read more]

Canada Housing Market Predictions for 2021

Tuesday Jan 12th, 2021

Toronto Condos

It is well known that human beings are always thinking about what is going to happen in their future. Predicting things to one's liking is nearly always the case, even though the evidence is contrary. In the same way, it was mostly predicted that the housing market in Canada will fall to its knees ever since the world has experienced an economic slowdown like no other during 2020. This prediction did correlate with the COVID-19 pandemic that had changed the work lifestyles like never... [read more]

A Sigh of Relief for the First-Time Condo Buyers in Toronto

Wednesday Jan 20th, 2021

Toronto Condos

A Sigh of Relief for the First-Time Condo Buyers in Toronto COVID-19 has taken a toll on all our life, beginning from work to future planning. The pandemic has posed a challenge in the sector of real estate, including condos and lofts for sale. Bringing up the prices or dramatically decreasing the mortgage rates has brought in both opportunities and challenges, especially for the first-time home buyers. As the pandemic situation is getting stabilized, considering the financial... [read more]

Everything You Need to Know About the Upcoming Toronto Empty Homes Tax in 2022

Thursday Sep 2nd, 2021

Toronto Condos

Toronto may finally be cracking down on real estate speculators who invest in multiple properties and leave them unoccupied, while residents struggle to find affordable housing. On July 15, 2021, Toronto City Council has approved a plan to implement an Empty Homes Tax as of January 1, 2022. While the exact details of the plan will be revealed later this year, the proposed tax is modeled after the “empty homes tax” already implemented in the City of Vancouver. Since 2017, vacant... [read more]

Is it a buyers market?

Monday Jan 2nd, 2023

Is It a Buyers or Sellers Market? (2022)

Is It a Buyers Market? When assessing the current real estate market, buyers and sellers need to consider whether it's a Seller's Market or Buyer's Market. A Seller's Market is one in which buyers have less of an advantage than sellers due to limited inventory and high demand for housing. In this market, buyers may find themselves competing against multiple buyers for the same listing and potentially facing higher prices as a result of bidding wars.  Buyers Market... [read more]

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