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Unlock the Full Potential of Your Toronto Condo with Smart Home Automation

Thursday Aug 29th, 2024

Smart Home Automation

  Unlock the Full Potential of Your Toronto Condo with Smart Home Automation Explore How Strategic Home Automation Can Enhance Your Condo's Value and Provide Long-Term Savings In today’s fast-paced world, smart home automation has transitioned from being a luxury to a necessity for many homeowners, particularly in urban areas like Toronto. As condos become increasingly popular, the demand for smart, connected homes is on the rise. Home automation systems offer not... [read more]

Moving into a New Neighbourhood With Kids? What To Know

Tuesday May 5th, 2020

Toronto Condo neighbourhoods

Are you looking to move? The biggest caveat of moving into a strange neighborhood is fretting over all sorts of unimaginable predicaments that may befall your children and teens while you are not around to protect them. Even if you reign in your imagination, they can still meet all the wrong sorts of people, get lost in an unfamiliar area, or venture into a shady zone. Here are a few safety tips to help your family painlessly move into a new neighborhood: Caution Your Kids If you have... [read more]

6 Myths About Condo Maintenance Fee's

Thursday May 21st, 2020

Toronto Condo Team

All condos owners are entailed to maintain common areas and assets of their condo buildings through provision of a regular monthly fees, more commonly known as the condo maintenance fees. While these regular fees have the potential to prevent sudden, unexpected costs, and may also cover things like security, utilities, contingencies, and amenities, there is also a lot of misconceptions around them, which makes many condo owners wary of paying their dues. However, the fact of the matter is... [read more]

Spot a Bad Condo With These Tips

Wednesday Oct 16th, 2019

Toronto Condo Team

Are you currently in the throes of buying a condo in Toronto? It’s a big step—and a gigantic financial investment. You would want to be walking on eggshells with the cost of an average condo in Toronto going up to $558,000 and more. Here are a few secrets to spotting a bad condo and raising the red flag. Bad Online Reviews Nothing helps you gauge the suitability of a condo or the type of investment it is more than the experience of the people who are currently residing... [read more]

The Future of Toronto Condo Market in The Next Five Years

Friday Oct 4th, 2019

Toronto Condo Team

Toronto's condominium market has been a ride in the last decade. The trends in the condominium market have witnessed great highs which have drastically changed the face of real estate in the city. It was in the year 2009 when forecasts predicted that approximately 4,000 new condo sales would take place in the Greater Toronto Area alone. In fact, the first quarter of the year itself witnessed almost 1,000 sales. This showed the prediction to be quite accurate. However, the market... [read more]

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