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Condo Buying Tips: What You Should Know Before Investing in Toronto

Monday Mar 18th, 2024

Condo Buying Tips

What You Should Know Before Investing in Toronto Purchasing a new condo in Toronto is a significant investment and requires careful consideration. Here are ten essential things you should know before making the purchase: Budget and affordability Budget and affordability are paramount considerations when venturing into the condo market in Toronto. As you embark on this exciting journey, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your financial boundaries and evaluate what you... [read more]

Buying Vs Renting: What to Consider When Deciding Between Homeownership and the Simplicities of Tenancy in the GTA

Monday Apr 15th, 2024

Buying Vrs Renting

Buying Vs Renting: What to Consider When Deciding Between Homeownership and the Simplicities of Tenancy in the GTA The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) real estate market has often been compared to a roller coaster, with its highs and lows significantly impacting decisions on whether to buy or rent. The COVID-19 pandemic introduced unprecedented fluctuations, causing both housing prices and rental rates to swing wildly. This article delves deep into the historical and current trends affecting... [read more]

Six First Time Home Buyer Mistakes To Steer Clear Of

Tuesday May 26th, 2020

Buyer Mistakes

Buying your first home comes with many big decisions, and the prospect is as daunting as it is exciting for first time buyers. Before you know it, you will get swept up in the whirlwind of home shopping and fall prey to common mistakes that would come back to haunt you as buyer’s remorse later. Since homeownership has many far-reaching implications, you need to make the most rational decision possible, which is where a little knowledge and preparation can set you up for success.... [read more]

What to Think About Before Buying Your First Condo

Tuesday Oct 20th, 2020

Toronto Condos

You might think that you have reached a point in your life where you are ready to settle down and be a home owner, but have you done your homework? Whether you are moving out of your parents’ house or finally purchasing a new condo with your spouse after years of paying expensive rents, investing in real estate is a crucial step. However, this significant long-term commitment requires the right time and a strong financial standing. To avoid falling in any pitfalls, here are a few... [read more]

Is it a buyers market?

Monday Jan 2nd, 2023

Is It a Buyers or Sellers Market? (2022)

Is It a Buyers Market? When assessing the current real estate market, buyers and sellers need to consider whether it's a Seller's Market or Buyer's Market. A Seller's Market is one in which buyers have less of an advantage than sellers due to limited inventory and high demand for housing. In this market, buyers may find themselves competing against multiple buyers for the same listing and potentially facing higher prices as a result of bidding wars.  Buyers Market... [read more]

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