Planning to sell your Toronto condos?
Selling any property has become a challenging and complicated task in today’s era. Everybody wants to sell their condos in Toronto quickly, effortlessly, and for the maximum amount they can get.
If you are doing it for the first time, you will probably find it very time-consuming and emotionally draining. Most of the time, you will feel your privacy being violated by strangers who will show up at your door. Sometimes they may visit at odd hours too.
At such times, it is difficult to settle on the exact strategies that can attract more customers to your condo. The market for sale of condos in Toronto is huge. So, you need to have a robust marketing strategy in selling of properties.
7 Reasons to Have Good Photographs while Listing Condos
Nowadays, people are more interested in looking at what they are planning to buy. Thus, photos can be of great importance to convert potential visitors to buyers. Let’s see 7 reasons why having the best listing photos can play a huge role when you’re selling your condo:
1. Buyers Use the Internet To Search For Their New Condos:
People use the internet for searching everything these days. So, there’s no surprise that the internet has become the most common means for selling and buying property. As per the data surveyed by Wall Street Journal, out of all the buyers, 92% use the internet for their search. On average, people who wish to buy the condo spend 60% of the time viewing photos.
On the other hand, they’ll spend only 20% of their time reading descriptions. Marketing of property has become easier in today’s world with high penetration of social media. Posts with images received 39% more responses when compared with posts that only had a text.
These figures have made the competition very tough, and the importance of good quality photos is at an all-time high to make your condo stand out among others.
2. Photos Are Important For Buyers:
The quote “First impression is the last impression” is apt when it comes to buying and selling property. Researchers who studied the eye movements of buyers looking at listings concluded that buyers viewed the first photo listed for a maximum of 20 seconds. After those 20 seconds, their eyes moved across the screen. According to the National Association of Realtors, out of all the users who were using the internet for their search, 87% of them considered photos useful compared to 85% of buyers who found detailed descriptions about condos useful.
3. Professional Photographers Take Photos From Best Angles:
Of course, the cameras in smartphones can click good enough photos. However, most people fail to understand photography. That is because it is all about lighting and composition and not about how good the sensor in your camera is.
There are not many people who will attach an extra flash in an iPhone or using a particular angle lens so that the whole room fits in the frame. There are things, colour combinations, frames and many more things that only a professional photographer knows how to handle.
4. Better Photos, More Chances Of Clicks:
Everyone likes beautiful things. That’s the reason why good-quality photos receive more engagement than poor-quality photos. There were 61% more views on professional photos than listings without those. Tweets that had photos gained 18% more clicks, 89% more favourites, and it had 150% more retweets. The Facebook posts posted by brands that included photos gained 87% of engagement.
5. Get More Money for Condos Listed with Professional Photos
You may find it hard to believe, but that’s a fact. CBS News suggests condos with good quality photos get a 47% better asking price per square foot on average. The sellers could sell the condos worth $400,000 to $500,000 with high-quality photos at 18% better prices in the first six months. It’s a proven fact these days that the better the photos, the better the money offered. Further, the vice versa is also true.
6. Easy Selling of Condos With Professional Photos
In the age of cut-throat competition, high-quality photos give the needed edge to your condos. According to PR Newswire, listings are sold 32% quicker if there were professional photos. Such listings spent 89 days on average on the market. Other condos spent an average of 123 days on the market.
IMOTO conducted an internal study. Here, 350 listings that used professional photography were compared with 350 similar listings with the same ZIP code. Listings that used IMOTO’s professional photography were sold 59% quickly. Not only this but they were also sold 39% closer to their original price when compared to similar condos that didn’t use professional photography.
7. Taking Help From Professional Photographers Will Save Your Agent’s Time:
Delivery of the best quality photos can be a lot time consuming. Your agent can use the same time in managing other complicated tasks regarding the selling. This will give your agent enough time to manage the entire buying process smoothly.
The Need of Good-Quality Images
Real estate photography is not only about showing up and clicking pictures. We need to understand that real estate photography is much more than that.
Here are a few things to keep in mind while performing real estate photography.
● Does your condo need to be staged?
● If yes, then at what time of the day will it be done?
● What is the geography of your condos?
● How to take photos that give the best angles of your condo?
● In which direction is the condo faced? At which hour of the day it gets the best light?
● Is there any requirement for a special type of tool?
We should also take into account the time a photographer spends in editing. Check in the type of software the editor uses. Don't forget the post-production time. It is nearly as important and effective as the photoshoot. This is so because most photographers today use the High Dynamic Range (HDR) method, which often needs editing.
It may be daunting to find the best way to click photographs to sell your condo. However, it wouldn’t be a problem with the right team. Connect with the Toronto Condo Team today and understand the process the right way

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